Thanks to renewables, in addition to reducing climate-changing emissions we could create jobs here in Europe. Fit for 55, if implemented, will reduce gas consumption by 30 per cent by 2030. Thus, it is possible to drastically reduce, in the short term, imports and dependence from non-EU countries.

Frans Timmermans, 2023


Our highly verticalized know-how, together with the financial solidarity of the Group, guarantee the full achievement of the project objectives with flexible solutions to different economic-financial needs.

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Leading the global challenge for a transition able to invests the entire energy paradigm by implementing an international, virtuous network capable of cooperating with sustainable and circular aim, within prolific intercultural experiences.


Progettare impianti per la produzione di combustibile biologico “green” proveniente da residui organici di scarto. Innovazione, elevato know-how tecnologico e solidità finanziaria, sono le chiavi di volta per un progetto imprenditoriale che passa, innanzitutto, attraverso l’impegno e la nostra responsabilità sociale rivolti ad una drastica svolta nelle modalità di gestione e nell’utilizzo delle risorse energetiche.

Multiple roles, a single reference

EPC General Contractor

Construction supervision

Consulting, design & engineering

Procurement & supply

Investment, equity & financing


It is now certain, indeed, that over the next 30 years, the future of energy (particularly energy for transport) will be based on hydrogen, biomethane (gaseous and liquid form) and on green electricity.

The gas network can, therefore, be reconsidered as an asset ready and prepared to transport renewable energy in the form of ‘green’ molecules including biomethane, i.e., methane of biological origin already in current production.

What is not yet certain is the extent to which each of these carriers will occupy sectors of market.

The key will therefore lie in flexibility and in the ability to respond quickly to demand industry and the transport sector.

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