SGR Biomethane S.r.l. was born from a pioneering Italian start-up in 2012 in the field of technologies belonging to the sphere of renewable fuel and smart grids, with particular reference to biogas - biomethane upgrading projects. It was among the first Italian companies to have implemented the upgrading process of raw biogas into biomethane with membrane technology


SGR Application R&D Department with the aim of accompanying SGR Group, a company active in the provision of energy services, into the new century of energy. SGR Biomethane represents “the green soul” born from the will to interpret the times of transition in which we are living and involved in Green & Circular Economy R&D projects with particular focus on the production of renewable green fuel to support the fuelling of the sustainable mobility of the future based on 0-emission fuels, putting at the service of the requirements of the modern society its technical know-how and consolidated experience.



SGR Biomethane has been one of the first Italian companies to upgrade the raw biogas into biomethane by means of membrane technology. The first pilot project in taly dates back to 2013 and was funded by a regional grant for innovative start-ups.

Since 2014, the pilot plant installed at the Colombaro farm (centre of Italy) has been producing biomethane from anaerobic digestion of swine and silage slurry, using SGR Biomethane membrane separation technology.

The plant was the subject of program, object of study, experimentation and data collection that allowed the subsequent development of the technology on a larger scale.
Two innovative research projects, Go Biom and +Gas, financed by the regional operative programme of the European regional development funds (POR-FESR 2014-2020) have used the pilot plant for tests on membrane upgrading systems.

SGR Biomethane History Line

  • 2012 Biomethane Estense is born

    First Italian company in the sector with membranes Upgrading technology
  • 2014 GoBioM Project

    2014 GoBioM project financed by the POR FESR Emilia-Romagna call for proposals (Regional Operational Programme - European Regional Development Fund) | Colombaro
  • 2017 Roncocesi and Ravenna purification plant pilot projects

    Biomether's projects co-financed by the Emilia-Romagna Region and the LIFE+ Programme, the European Union financial instrument to promote the development of projects linked to environmental protection issues. From here the first two Italian biomethane upgrading plants were created using complex matrix membrane separation technology: Depuratore di Roncocesi - Discarica di Ravenna
  • 2018 First legislative initiative of the government

    Interministerial Italian Decree of 2 March 2018 promoting the use of biomethane and other advanced biofuels in the transport sector.
  • 2019 SGR Biomethane as division of SGR Group is born

    SGR Group acquires 100% of the Biometano Estense stocks and founds the new company SGR Biomethane.
  • 2022-2026 from Fertilis to Osimo

    SGR Biomethane is already committed to the climate neutrality goal by increasing the share of green fuel in its networks. Here are some of our most virtuous projects.


Leading the global challenge for a transition able to invests the entire energy paradigm by implementing an international, virtuous network capable of cooperating with sustainable and circular aim, within prolific intercultural experiences.


Designing plants aimed to produce “green” biological fuel from organic waste. Innovation, high technological know-how and strong financial solidity, are the milestones for a business project able to move through commitment and our social responsibility focused to a drastic change in the methods of management and use of energy resources.